Dammika Prasad Wijethunga
Senior Software Engineer
Research Assistant in 2009
Where has your exposure at NIFS taken you?
I believe that joining NIFS is the turning point of my career. Specially, I was really lucky to have Prof. Asiri Nanayakkara as my supervisor at NIFS and He is one of the brightest minds I have ever met in my lifetime. I have learnt how to plan and do a research in proper way and how to present the finding in proper way under his guidance. I was able to study and work in few different areas such as Electronics, Artificial intelligence, Computer programming, Physics and Mathematics. Apart from my research works I was able to join NIFS science dissemination unit activities and some laboratory instrument modification (software modifications) activities which were very interesting for me. Although I am a physics graduate, these activities which is relevant to computer programming and electronics have directed my career direction to software development. Therefore I strongly believe that my NIFS experience is one of turning point of my career.