Prof. Nikolai Kuhnert
Adjunct Professor
Prof. Nikolai Kuhnert, Jacobs University Bremen, Germany is one of the world class scientists in the field of Natural Products, Food Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry and Organic Chemistry. I am closely associating with him since 2011. Three times (2011, 2015 & 2019) he has served as my host professor for the prestigious Alexander Humboldt Research Fellowship to Germany. Prof. Nikolai Kuhnert obtained his PhD in Inorganic chemistry and pharmaceutical biology in 1995 from The Maximilians Universität Würzburg, Germany. Following postdoctoral stays at the Universities of Cambridge and Oxford, he accepted a position as member of faculty in Organic Chemistry at the University of Surrey. In 2006 he moved to Jacobs University Bremen, where he is now a Full Professor in Analytical and Organic Chemistry. He has been visiting Professor at several Universities including Saarbrücken, Regensburg, Bremen, CSIC Rocasolano in Madrid, CEBAS in Murcia and KAUST, NIFS Kandy, Sri Lanka. His research interests are focused on the application of mass spectrometry in the analysis and structure elucidation of phenolic natural products from dietary and medicinal plants and the analysis of food processing products such as black tea, roasted coffee, Maillard reaction products and chocolate. ( His research publications received 6603 citations (June 2019); H-index of 42. In 2018 he has published 17 peer reviewed publications.