Young Scientists' Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (YSCMR 2021)

The Young Scientists’ Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (YSCMR) 2021 organized by the Young Scientists’ Association of the National Institute of Fundamental Studies (NIFS-YSA) was held successfully on 21st October 2021. YSCMR 2021 was organized as a part of the 40th anniversary celebration of the NIFS.
This year’s conference was an international conference and was held virtually. YSCMR 2021 received more than 170 abstracts from which, 142 were selected for 79 oral and 63 speed talk presentations.
At the inaugural session, the keynote address was delivered by Prof. Panduka Karunanayake, Professor at the Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Colombo and the guest speech was delivered by Prof. Tom Welton, Professor of Sustainable Chemistry at Imperial College, London. They spoke on timely topics that enlightened everyone who were present at the inaugural session.
The technical sessions of the Conference were held in six parallel sessions that brought together an attractive number of both local and international participants.
- Session I- Physical Science had 57 participants with 23 presenters.
- Session II- Social Science had 40 participants with 16 presenters.
- Session III- Chemical Science had 88 participants with 32 presenters.
- Session IV- Biological Science-A had 53 participants with 22 presenters.
- Session V- Biological Science-B had 60 participants with 28 presenters.
- Session VI- Biological Science-C had 51 participants with 21 presenters.
The organizing committee would like to express their deepest gratitude to the Chairman, Director, Secretary, Science Education & Dissemination Unit and the Computer unit of the NIFS for their support in making this event a success.
We would also like to extend our sincere thanks to the Editorial Committee, Reviewers, Chairpersons, and all the authors of YSCMR 2021 for their fullest support.
The YSCMR 2021 was a success as a result of the untiring effort and dedication of the young scientists’ at NIFS.