Annual Research Review - 2020

The Annual Research Review of the National Institute of Fundamental Studies (NIFS), Sri Lanka was held on 06th April 2021 at the Prof. Cyril Ponnamperuma Auditorium, NIFS, Kandy. Mrs. Deepa Liyanage Additional Secretary (Research), State Ministry of Skills Development, Vocational Education, Research & Innovation graced this occasion. The welcome address was delivered by the Chairman of the board of Governors of NIFS Prof. Athula Sumathipala. The Director of NIFS, Prof. Saman Seneweera, Mrs. Deepa Liyanage Additional Secretary (Research) also addressed the gathering. The Chairman of the organising committee of the event Prof. Rohan Weerasooriya delivered the vote of thanks, acknowledging all those who supported to make the event a success.
The keynote address of the event was delivered by Prof. Athula Sandanayake, Professor(Chair) at Department of Physical Sciences and Technology, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka. During the technical sessions that followed, scientists of NIFS presented the progress made in their respective research projects during the year 2020. The technical sessions were chaired by Prof. Saman Seneweera, Prof. Athula Sandanayake, Prof. Wolfgang Dittus, Prof. Deepthi Yakandawala, Prof. Athula Sumathipala and Prof. Lakshman Dissanayake. The event was concluded with final remarks by the Director of NIFS, Prof. Saman Seneweera.
Several awards were also presented to academic and non-academic staff of NIFS appreciating their performance and contribution towards research and the institute. The following staff members were presented with awards for their contributions in 2020.
Most Outstanding Researchers 2020
- Prof. Lalith Jayasinghe - Senior Research Professor Category
- Prof. Lakshman Dissanayake - Research Professor Category
- Prof. Renuka Ratnayake - Associate Research Professor Category
- Dr. Ruvini Liyanage - Research Fellow / Senior Research Fellow Category
Service Award
- Ms. Thamara Wijewickrama
Winners of the Year 2019/2020 - Open Science Circle in Electronic Media
- Gold Medal - Mr. Pramod Amarasinghe
- Silver Medal - Mr. Thathsara Gayan
- Bronze Medal - Mr. Thanuja Wickaramasinghe and Mr. Lahiru Fernando