Division for
Environment Sciences
Advancing the frontiers of fundamental research

Research Focus
The Research Projects under this Division are Environmental Sciences and Plant and Environmental Sciences. In a broad sense the research projects in this Division address these Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations: Good Health and Well-being, Clean Water and Sanitation, Industry Innovation and Infrastructure, Responsible Consumption and Production, and Life on Land.
While the projects are primarily funded by treasury funds allocated to the NIFS, projects leaders have also obtained funds from competitive grants awarded by the NRC and NSF of Sri Lanka. In addition, some research projects are funded by foreign funding agencies such as the Chinese and German state funding agencies. Our overseas collaborations are with the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the German Academic Exchange Services (DAAD). We also collaborate nationally with our Universities and state agencies such as the Forest Department and Ministry of Environment. Our research also addresses nationally important questions such as Improved Water quality, and Remediation of Industrial and Farm effluents.
Division for Environment Sciences National Institute of Fundamental Studies Hanthana Road, Kandy (20000) Sri Lanka