Rhizobium Research Programme
Role of microbial biofilms in agriculture, plantations and the environment

Research Focus
This research investigates the role of developed microbial biofilms in agriculture, plantations and the environment. With the development of microbial biofilms [fungal-bacterial biofilms (FBBs) in particular] in vitro in 2002, several basic research studies were conducted to evaluate their potential as microbial ameliorators in the soil and also in the environment. The studies yielded very promising results. Consequently, biofilm-based biofertilizers called Biofilm biofertilizers (BFBFs) were developed for agriculture and plantation crops (especially non-legumes, e.g. tea, rice, vegetables etc.), tested extensively under field conditions, and were commercialized in 2014. So far, BFBFs have been used on over 30,000 acres in the country with a chemical fertilizers (NPK) cut downbyup to 50%, while increasing crop yields between 10-40%. It is also used inorganic agriculture. Researchon BFBFs have also been started in India, Indonesia, Brazil and Iraq.
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