පරිසර විද්යාව Research Programme
පාරිසරික ගැටළු විසඳීමේ මූලික අංශ පිළිබඳ පර්යේෂණ

Research Focus
The NIFS' Environmental Science Research Program (NIFS - ESRP) focuses on addressing the fundamental scientific aspects of pressing environmental problems in Sri Lanka with global interest. This research program is in consonance with the National Environmental Action Plan for Sri Lanka that seeks insight into environmental processes at a molecular level. Our research program is focused on water, soil and atmospheric environmental systems.
The overall aim of the Water quality research project is to design a model water treatment facility based on sound scientific principle using electrochemistry and nanotechnology.
The Materials development and Pollution remediation project focuses on the remediation of pollutant materials from water, soil and air. We monitor and understand the basic and fundamental mechanisms of pollutants in nature and use high resolution air pollution models to understand the effect of pollutants on human health.
In the The Air pollution and risk assessment projectuses air pollution modeling to estimate population/individual level exposures which are important in health risk assessment. We also evaluate the performance of air pollution control methods.
Why does this matter ?
The environment directly or indirectly influences our health and most of the time, we are responsible for the state of our environment. Water Quality Research is in compliance with the UN's sustainable development goals, to provide clean drinking water to the entire nation without discrimination. Our sole purpose is to solve environmental problems that has a potential to threaten our wellbeing.
In the remedying of environmental pollutants, we use advanced materials. Synthesis of advanced materials using locally available materials such as zeolite from kaolin, contribute to national development. Information generated from our Air pollution and Risk assessment project can be utilized to identify vulnerable groups, high risk areas and provide recommendations to implement policies to reduce pollution.