Four Scientists from the NIFS Honored with NSF-SUSRED awards 2023

SUSRED is a support scheme for supervision of research degrees awarded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under two categories, MPhil and PhD.
The timeframe for a PhD completion is set at 4 years, while an MPhil is expected to be completed within a 3-year period from the date of registration.
The distinguished SUSRED award is bestowed upon Supervisors, honoring their unwavering dedication and commitment to fostering human resource development crucial for the advancement of the nation.
This year four scientists of the NIFS received SUSRED awards for 2023. The awardees are:
- Professor M.A.K.Lakshman Dissanayake
- Professor Dhammika N. Magana-arachchi
- Professor Renuka R. Ratnayake
- Professor G.K. Rohan Senadeera